
I offer two options for in-person training at this gym:

community training & one-on-one

community training

Community Training is not a group fitness class, it’s personal training — evolved!

In This Gym, you have your own individual program and you work at your own pace. Your goals are important, so why not choose a proven route to not just reaching them, but sustaining them?

Community Training sessions are small and friendly

You’ll join a handful of other athletes (that’s what we call anybody who wants to be better friends with their body at This Gym: an athlete) that have similar goals to you (like moving well, feeling better, staying strong as you age, and having fun while you do it).

It’s not competition, it’s Community!

The energy, enthusiasm, and encouragement you’ll receive in this space makes Community Training an experience unlike anything you’ve ever tried before.

Click below to learn more & receive your free consultation:

one-on-one training

One-on-One Personal Training generates all of the benefits of strength training in a highly focused environment.

In these private sessions, you will get stronger, improve your mobility, and increase your capacity and confidence.

This is a safe space to learn how to lift safely and efficiently with an approach to technique that requires zero previous experience.

The accountability of One-on-One sessions helps to develop discipline, consistency, and self-motivation so that healthy movement becomes your default way of life.

If you want to create more energy for the things you love to do, strength training is a surefire method to expand your horizons!

Ready to get started? Click below for details & to receive a free consultation:

Hi, I'm coach Jack!  

I remember how I used to feel:

No energy, sick all the time, and in so much physical pain.

At 27 I couldn’t walk up one set of stairs to my front door without knee pain. I didn’t have the energy or strength to do the things I most wanted in life. I thought of myself as broken. My self-confidence was shot. My body was my worst enemy.

And why wouldn’t it be?

Back in the day, I didn't understand or approach my health in a balanced way.

I would either overly restrict, obsessed with rules of "good" and "bad" foods or I would exist on just sugar, alcohol, and caffeine.  If I did work out, it was joyless and punishing, as if I was trying to beat my body into submission.  

It was a constant battle between control and confusion.

I hated my body, I hated my life, and I had no idea how to change!

It wasn't until I changed how I saw myself, by changing how I treated myself, that I was able to develop a healthy relationship to my body, myself, and my life.


And as much as it may surprise you — strength training is one of the most powerful ways to make this change!

But only IF you are willing to see strength training for what it really is:

Not a method for shrinking your body to make you “good enough,” BUT an incredible tool for practicing the discipline of self-care through real, concrete action that yields tremendous results!

To do this takes compassion, curiosity, and courage.

Why not take it on with a Coach who has been there himself and who has dedicated himself to helping others with this work since 2009?

If you’re sick of quick-fixes that fail to deliver and leave you feeling like you’re the one who failed, then it’s time to try a different approach.

And I’m the first to admit I’m different!

•I’m covered in tattoos and my superpowers are compassion and listening. I call myself a “strength evangelist” and I’d rather teach you how to meditate than make you do burpees.

I’m allergic to BS and I can’t stand false marketing that makes people feel like crap about themselves to turn a quick buck! I want to empower you so you’re invincible to scams and fads.

•I’m here to support the changes you want to make, whether you’re seeking a physical change, improved body image, better health, or a higher quality of life — I’ve got your back!

•And I’m ready to help you fill in the gaps and create lasting results by taking a holistic approach to those changes.

Let’s go!